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Sealand Documents:
International agreements and legal acts with the Government of the Principality of Sealand
(among others with Russia, Latvia ...) documenting de facto and de jure recognition

Greetings at the Turn of the Year 2014/2015

November 2014

interner Link Press release Nov. 3th, 2014
Directions Concerning the Use of theSealand Generator (VRIL Technology) in Motor Vehicles and Living Quarters
The Concept of Energy Density in the Sealand Generator (Vril Technology)
Application for Membership in the Sealand Business Club with the concurrent use of Sealand Vril Devices

June 2014

Documents concerning the friendly cooperation between the Principality of Sealand and the Soviet respectively Russian Army in the former GDR - The presentation of the Bulava, the symbol of might and dignity,
by Lieutenant-General Golowkin to Johannes W. F. Seiger

May 2014:
Press Release om May 8th, 2014 - Flight MH370 Malaysian Airlines
Download the complete documentation

January 2014:
Sealand Letter: 100 Years of Fraudulent Historiography …

December 24, 2013:
Greetings from the Government Commission Vrilia at the Turn of the Year 2013/2014

September 10.2013

interner Link Letter to the President of the United States of America: Deployment of VRIL Technology against the United States of America

July 12, 2013

interner Link Press Release by Prime Minister:
Instant Termination of the Friendship and Consular Treaty between the Principality of Sealand and the German Reich
(Commissary Government/SHAEF Legislator USA)

March 19, 2013

interner Link Press Release by Prime Minister:
Criminal Complaints based on the gang-style conduct of Government and Judiciary in Brandenburg and Berlin to JICTC Stuttgart

January 6, 2013
Press Release by Prime Minister: Greetings at the Turn ofthe Year 2012/2013 (English and German)
... The Government Commission Vrilia feels compelled to release further technologies using Vril energy, in order to bring about through strategic means the ending of the Second World War by means of the Peace Treaty – according to international law long overdue – between the German Reich and the Allied Powers (“Siegermächte”) of the Second World War for the good of all humanity....

December 14, 2012
Press Release of "Vrilia Governmental Commission" concerning the Vril Technology and Mr Bernie Ecclestone's Formula 1 Management
With a letter of Mr. Eccletone

September 23, 2012
An Historic Moment
Romania: President of State Promises the Saxons of Transylvania Reparation
Following the interner Link announcement by Prime Minister Johannes W. F. Seiger the first encouraging results appear

June 11, 2012
interner Link Who Really Started the Second World War? ... We will now, as previously announced, offer part of the interner Link Vril technology in a first step ...

April 13, 2012
interner Link Documentation 2012 Denmark, Platzeck, Westerwelle, medicinal application of  VRIL energy and more, German only, 12 MB)

December 23, 2011
pdf Season's Greetings 2011-2012

August 24, 2011:
pdf Dr. Adenauer’s Formal Apology for the Wehrmacht and the Waffen-SS
Dresden: Overview of the Numbers of Victims

interner Link Swastika Is Insignia of the Finnish airforce

July 20, 2011:
interner Link Documentation: The third Power

May, 2011
interner Link Flyer Sealand Generator

March 19, 2011
interner Link Brandenburg Judiciary [08]

Dec. 20, 2010: Seasonal Message 2010-11 by the Prime Minister
concerning the release of the Vril technology
pdf Original document as pdf file

Dec. 16. 2010: Brandenburg Justice [7]:
Re-entry in the register of companies of the officially deleted company Sealand GmbH & Co KG. Who put the political leadership in Brandenburg under Matthias Platzeck and its criminal judiciary in their place?
This File and all mentioned documents here

May 5, 2010: Statement by the Government of the Principality of Sealand Concerning the Diplomatic Relations with the Federal Republic of Germany: Why does the Federal Republic of Germany since 1990 – disregarding the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations – deny its diplomatic contacts with the Principality of Sealand
[ This File and all mentioned documents here]

Press Release February 16, 2010
interner Link Why did the SHAEF legislator USA under President Clinton ratify on January 30, 1999, the Friendship and Consular Treaty between the Commissary Government of the German Reich established by the SHAEF legislator and the Principality of Sealand?

interner Link The Criminal Acts by the Brandenburg Judiciary Bound by Directives
in January 2009

Press Release December 12, 2009:
Vril Energy for the Twenty-first Century
Government Declaration 2009.10.1
The state of Vril technique development reached allows us now to make the VRIL technology available to an extended circle of users. ...'
Kirlian Photographies show biological effects of the vrill staff
VRIL Technology in Civil Praxis - Report by the Government Commission Vrilia about the developments released for the civil sector in 2009

interner Link The Luxemburg-Story
in April 2008
interner Link Amber Room - Interrogation Protocols
in February 2008
interner Link BGH-Decision
interner Link Season’s Greetings for 2008
interner Link Season’s Greetings for 2007
interner Link Season’s Greetings for 2006
interner Link The Principality of Sealand - Constitution of 1975 and of 1989
interner Link Press Release May 8, 2005 - neither liberated nor conquered!
interner Link Press Release April 2, 2005 - Vril-Power and the Sealand-Generator - Development Status April 2005
interner Link Press Release December 24, 2004 - The Principality of Sealand presents the Media Report No.1
interner Link Press Release December 7, 2004 - Press Release by the Governmental Commission VRILIA
interner Link Press Release of August 12, 2004 - New Access Data for Members of the Sealand Business Club
interner Link Government Decision 05012004 - Sealand Vril Energy Concept will be published in May 8, 2004
interner Link Press Realease on Mr Friedman
interner Link Christmas Greetings from Prime Minister

interner Link Bild-Zeitung
interner Link Sparkasse Teltow-Flaeming
interner Link Spain Passport Fraud

Press Release of May 8, 2004

Government Decision 05-01-2004
pdf Government Decision 05-01-2004 [Facsimilie]


 «We have a right to remember truths» (and facts) «the contents of which do not depend on a date. Defeat is just as much part of the life history of any individual and of any people as is triumph. All is lost only when an individual, when a people gives up and surrenders slavishly. 

‹Do not let the past or the future to be falsified for you. You will if necessary get there, with the help of the same spiritual force that lets you endure the present.› – Marc Aurel»

externer Link «May 8, 1945» Hellmut Diwald


  • In view of the necessity to prepare for a humanity that is importuned by the negative effects of explosions technology as quickly as possible the way for implosion technology (natural technology),
  • considering the many political, economic and spiritual restraints that are still piled up on this necessary path,

  • conscious of the fact that the present global crisis is irresponsibly aggravated if not caused outright by the systematic suppression of long-existing discoveries and developments in the area of implosion technology,

  • in serious consideration of the risks involved for what remains of the stability in the present economic and political situation,

  • after a respite of one year within which the Government of the main victorious power of the Second World War – the United States of America – was given the opportunity to voice any objections it may have had against our intent to publish and disseminate a first part of this “VRIL Technology” in the form of the «Sealand Generator» (see the letter by the Principality of Sealand of May 5, 2003, pdf to the Ambassador of the U.S. of A. in Germany)

the following is passed on May, 2004:


concerning the international publication

of the technology of the «Sealand Generator»

The Government of the Principality of Sealand authorises the state-owned Sealand Trade Corporation to call on the governments of all states of the world seriously to consider and research the opportunities that will be opened for their own scientific and economic interests by the selfless and gratuitous publication of a section of the «Vril Implosion Technology» in the form of the «Sealand Generator – Kosmische Dynamik».

The Government of the Principality of Sealand authorises the Sealand Trade Corporation (Niederlassung Deutschland, Postfach 2366, D-14959 Trebbin OT Löwendorf, Firmensitz: 33378 Rheda-Wiedenbrück, Postfach 2366, USt-ID-Nr.: DE 164906133), to answer all requests, to function as contractor for the test drive of the «Sealand Generator», to make available the requested test devices and to keep the security deposits safe.

The security deposit will be 10,000 € per generator. The duration of specific test phases and further issues can be agreed individually.

The Sealand Trade Corporation offers to make available to those countries whose governments recognise in this something of value to the interests of their countries and their people – or at least to not want to pass up without further checking these manifold opportunities of a renewal – a contractually controlled exchange of the basic scientific structures, the technology and the different applications of the energetic principle fundamental to the «Sealand Generator».

Decided and proclaimed: Sealand, May 2004

Johannes W. F. Seiger
Prime Minister

Dr. A. L. Chr. M. Oomen

pdf Government Decision 05-01-2004 [Facsimilie]

Last modified: Mittwoch, 12. August 2004

interner Link Press>

interner Link The Criminal Acts by the Brandenburg Judiciary Bound by Directives
in January 2009

interner Link The Luxemburg-Story
in April 2008
interner Link Amber Room - Interrogation Protocols
in February 2008
interner Link BGH-Decision
interner Link Season’s Greetings for 2008
interner Link Season’s Greetings for 2007
interner Link Season’s Greetings for 2006
interner Link The Principality of Sealand - Constitution of 1975 and of 1989
interner Link Press Release May 8, 2005 - neither liberated nor conquered!
interner Link Press Release April 2, 2005 - Vril-Power and the Sealand-Generator - Development Status April 2005
interner Link Press Release December 24, 2004 - The Principality of Sealand presents the Media Report No.1
interner Link Press Release December 7, 2004 - Press Release by the Governmental Commission VRILIA
interner Link Press Release of August 12, 2004 - New Access Data for Members of the Sealand Business Club
interner Link Government Decision 05012004 - Sealand Vril Energy Concept will be published in May 8, 2004
interner Link Press Realease on Mr Friedman
interner Link Christmas Greetings from Prime Minister
interner Link Brandenburg Judiciary [06] [December 12, 2003 - parts in English]
interner Link Brandenburg Judiciary [05] [November 11, 2003 - in German only]
interner Link Brandenburg Judiciary [04] [August 28, 2003]
interner Link Brandenburg Judiciary [03] [July 21, 2003]
interner Link Brandenburg Judiciary [02] [June 26, 2003]
interner Link Brandenburg Judiciary [01] [June 8, 2003]

interner Link Bild-Zeitung
interner Link Sparkasse Teltow-Flaeming
interner Link Spain Passport Fraud


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